Everyone should go check out www.samicheznous.ca- long story short, Sami was born in the United Arab Emirates and grew up, from the age of 12, in Montreal. He is now 24 years old: his native languages are English and French, he has completed post-secondary education, has an employer prepared to sponsor him, and pays his taxes like every other Canadian. It appears, however, that due to an omission on his parents' initial refugee application, an omission that he can in no way be held responsible for, he is to be deported imminently to Pakistan: a country whose language he does not speak, where he has no close friends or family, and where his life could potentially be in danger.
This situation is pretty outrageous, and it's obvious Sami should be allowed to stay. He is as Canadian as you or I, and has contributed just as much (if not more) to this country than either of us. Please write, tweet, wuphf or whatever Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, your local MP, and any other politician you can think of who might help him stay at home in Canada with us, and let them know that Canada welcomes Sami and wants him here.
If you like, please copy and paste the letter below, and send it to:
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney at: Minister@cic.gc.ca
Prime Minister Stephen Harper at: pm@pm.gc.ca
Please also feel free to hit up
Thomas Mulcair, Leader of the Opposition at: thomas.mulcair@parl.gc.ca
and if you're feeling very feisty:
Justin Trudeau, MP for Papineau (Sami's MP) at: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
The letter:
Dear ________
I write you to call to your attention the matter of Sami Sheikh, a man who was born in the United Arab Emirates and grew up, from the age of 12, in Montreal. He is now 24 years old: his native languages are English and French, he has completed post-secondary education, has an employer prepared to sponsor him, and pays his taxes like every other Canadian. It appears, however, that due to an omission on his parents' initial refugee application, an omission that he can in no way be held responsible for, he is to be deported imminently to Pakistan: a country whose language he does not speak, where he has no close friends or family, and where his life could potentially be in danger.
Mr. ________, I ask that you take every measure possible to normalize this situation, and to allow Mr. Sheikh to remain at home with us in Canada. He is the very model of a modern, integrated, educated immigrant, and his success is a testament to the strength of our inclusive society. I am one of many voters who feel strongly about this issue, and hope sincerely that it attracts your urgent attention.
Best regards,
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